+ 20.000 realizadas
+ 120.000 realizadas
+ 20.000 realizados

I sincerely thank Prof. G Isolan, for everything from my heart

I was suffering from aneurysmal bone cyst in temporal and sphenoid regions in the skull. Medically I was not in good conditions and, I was a foreigner “studying” in Brazil (in 2015).
I met Prof. G Isolan in Porto Alegre Hospital and he immediately advised an urgent neurosurgery. With his kind help, sympathetic nature, and great experience he performed a successful neurosurgery in “Sao Leopoldo” hospital. Later I visited him in Porto Alegre (in his clinic) to analyze the blood tests, x-rays, CT scans, MRIs etc… After six (6) years, I feel good, and I am living a normal life.

I would also state that he has a brilliant medical team, nursing staff, and management. They are outstanding (for taking care of patients). Thanks to all them.
I sincerely thank Prof. G Isolan, for everything from my heart.

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